Thursday, July 28, 2016

You have to start somewhere, right???

Okay, so I created this blog spot so that I can basically keep a diary of my journey through writing a book, or three.

I hope that you will enjoy the process as much as I have, and even be able to sit back and just take a moment to breath, while listening to my ramblings. 

I am beyond excited for what the future holds, and I have no doubt that no matter what happens, it will be amazing. But I have to admit, I'm also a little terrified.  I write for hours on end, and after I'm done, I almost always second guess myself. I am determined to not let those thoughts and doubts creep in, and to do everything I can to achieve my goals!

I am in the midst of writing a short story based in the horror genre.  Even in my own head, voices are screaming "are you crazy?" No, no I'm not I keep telling myself.  I am challenging myself and I'm testing my boundaries to see just how far I can expand out of my comfort zone this year. 

So, I eagerly accept this challenge. I'm grabbing the proverbial bull by the horns and running full speed ahead into a future that I can only dream might be possible!

Do I know for sure where I'm going, or what the future may hold? Nope! But I simply don't care.  I'll take it step by step, and I'll change course as many times as I need to to reach the finish line. I'm jumping blindly into the abyss of the unknown, have to start somewhere, right???